Contributing to libcsp

Thank you for your interest in contributing to libcsp! We welcome all contributions, whether they are bug fixes, new features, documentation improvements, or anything else that helps make libcsp better.


Coding Standards

Please follow the libcsp coding standards. Consistent coding helps maintain the readability and quality of the project.

Commit Messages

Please follow the the libcsp Git Commit Guidelines. Clear and concise git commit message helps maintainer when review and future developers to understand why the code is written as it is written.

Pull Request Review Process

Your pull request will be reviewed by one or more maintainers. They may ask you to make changes before the pull request can be merged. Please be responsive to feedback and update your PR as needed.

When you find any bugs in older branches, make sure to test them in the develop branch. If you find the same issue, file an issue or create a pull request against the develop branch. We will backport it to older branches if applicable. We may request you to update your existing PR or create a new one for older branches if necessary.

If you don’t find the same issue in develop branch, the issue might have been fixed in develop branch. Search it or ask it by opening an issue. We are always welcoming a new PR.

Getting Help

If you need help or have questions about contributing, feel free to open an issue with “Q&A” label.