Source code for csp.h

 * **File:** csp/csp.h
 * **Description:** CSP Library Header File
#pragma once

#include <csp/csp_error.h>
#include <csp/csp_debug.h>
#include <csp/csp_buffer.h>
#include <csp/csp_rtable.h>
#include <csp/csp_iflist.h>
#include <csp/csp_sfp.h>
#include <csp/csp_promisc.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

[docs]/** Max timeout */ #define CSP_MAX_TIMEOUT (UINT32_MAX)
[docs]/** Max delay */ #define CSP_MAX_DELAY CSP_MAX_TIMEOUT
[docs]/** * CSP Debug Types */ enum csp_dedup_types {
[docs] CSP_DEDUP_OFF, /**< Deduplication off */
[docs] CSP_DEDUP_FWD, /**< Deduplication on forwarding only */
[docs] CSP_DEDUP_INCOMING, /**< Deduplication on incomfing only */
[docs] CSP_DEDUP_ALL, /**< Deduplication on incoming and forwarding*/
[docs]/** * CSP configuration. */ typedef struct csp_conf_s {
[docs] uint8_t version; /**< Protocol version to use (either 1 or 2) */
[docs] const char *hostname; /**< Host name, returned by the #CSP_CMP_IDENT request */
[docs] const char *model; /**< Model, returned by the #CSP_CMP_IDENT request */
[docs] const char *revision; /**< Revision, returned by the #CSP_CMP_IDENT request */
[docs] uint32_t conn_dfl_so; /**< Default connection options. Options will always be or'ed onto new connections, see csp_connect() */
[docs] uint8_t dedup; /**< Enable CSP deduplication. 0 = off, 1 = always on, 2 = only on forwarded packets, */
} csp_conf_t;
extern csp_conf_t csp_conf;
[docs]/** * Initialize CSP. * This will configure basic structures. */ void csp_init(void);
[docs]/** * Free allocated resorces in CSP. * This is intended for testing of CSP, in order to be able re-initialize CSP by calling csp_init() again. */ void csp_free_resources(void);
[docs]/** * Get a \a read-only reference to the active CSP configuration. * * @return Active CSP configuration (read-only). */ const csp_conf_t * csp_get_conf(void);
[docs]/** * Copy csp id fields from source to target object */ void csp_id_copy(csp_id_t * target, csp_id_t * source);
[docs]/** * Wait/accept a new connection. * * @param[in] socket socket to accept connections on, created by calling csp_socket(). * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for a connection, use CSP_MAX_TIMEOUT for infinite timeout. * @return New connection on success, NULL on failure or timeout. */ csp_conn_t *csp_accept(csp_socket_t *socket, uint32_t timeout);
[docs]/** * Read packet from a connection. * This fuction will wait on the connection's RX queue for the specified timeout. * * @param[in] conn connection * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for a packet, use CSP_MAX_TIMEOUT for infinite timeout. * @return Packet or NULL in case of failure or timeout. */ csp_packet_t *csp_read(csp_conn_t *conn, uint32_t timeout);
[docs]/** * Send packet on a connection. * The packet buffer is automatically freed, and cannot be used after the call to csp_send() * * @param[in] conn connection * @param[in] packet packet to send */ void csp_send(csp_conn_t *conn, csp_packet_t *packet);
[docs]/** * Change the default priority of the connection and send a packet. * * .. note:: The priority of the connection will be changed. * If you need to change it back, call csp_send_prio() again. * * @param[in] prio priority to set on the connection * @param[in] conn connection * @param[in] packet packet to send */ void csp_send_prio(uint8_t prio, csp_conn_t *conn, csp_packet_t *packet);
[docs]/** * Perform an entire request & reply transaction. * Creates a connection, send \a outbuf, wait for reply, copy reply to \a inbuf and close the connection. * * @param[in] prio priority, see #csp_prio_t * @param[in] dst destination address * @param[in] dst_port destination port * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for a reply * @param[in] outbuf outgoing data (request) * @param[in] outlen length of data in \a outbuf (request) * @param[out] inbuf user provided buffer for receiving data (reply) * @param[in] inlen length of expected reply, -1 for unknown size (inbuf MUST be large enough), 0 for no reply. * @param[in] opts connection options, see @ref CSP_CONNECTION_OPTIONS. * * Returns: * int: 1 or reply size on success, 0 on failure (error, incoming length does not match, timeout) */ int csp_transaction_w_opts(uint8_t prio, uint16_t dst, uint8_t dst_port, uint32_t timeout, void *outbuf, int outlen, void *inbuf, int inlen, uint32_t opts);
[docs]/** * Perform an entire request & reply transaction. * Creates a connection, send \a outbuf, wait for reply, copy reply to \a inbuf and close the connection. * * @param[in] prio priority, see #csp_prio_t * @param[in] dest destination address * @param[in] port destination port * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for a reply * @param[in] outbuf outgoing data (request) * @param[in] outlen length of data in \a outbuf (request) * @param[out] inbuf user provided buffer for receiving data (reply) * @param[in] inlen length of expected reply, -1 for unknown size (inbuf MUST be large enough), 0 for no reply. * @return 1 or reply size on success, 0 on failure (error, incoming length does not match, timeout) */ static inline int csp_transaction(uint8_t prio, uint16_t dest, uint8_t port, uint32_t timeout, void * outbuf, int outlen, void * inbuf, int inlen) { return csp_transaction_w_opts(prio, dest, port, timeout, outbuf, outlen, inbuf, inlen, 0); }
[docs]/** * Perform an entire request & reply transaction on an existing connection. * Send \a outbuf, wait for reply and copy reply to \a inbuf. * * @param[in] conn connection * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for a reply * @param[in] outbuf outgoing data (request) * @param[in] outlen length of data in \a outbuf (request) * @param[out] inbuf user provided buffer for receiving data (reply) * @param[in] inlen length of expected reply, -1 for unknown size (inbuf MUST be large enough), 0 for no reply. * @return 1 or reply size on success, 0 on failure (error, incoming length does not match, timeout) */ int csp_transaction_persistent(csp_conn_t *conn, uint32_t timeout, void *outbuf, int outlen, void *inbuf, int inlen);
[docs]/** * Read data from a connection-less server socket. * * @param[in] socket connection-less socket. * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for a packet, use #CSP_MAX_TIMEOUT for infinite timeout. * @return Packet on success, or NULL on failure or timeout. */ csp_packet_t *csp_recvfrom(csp_socket_t *socket, uint32_t timeout);
[docs]/** * Send a packet (without connection). * * @param[in] prio packet priority, see #csp_prio_t * @param[in] dst destination address * @param[in] dst_port destination port * @param[in] src_port source port * @param[in] opts connection options, see @ref CSP_CONNECTION_OPTIONS. * @param[in] packet packet to send */ void csp_sendto(uint8_t prio, uint16_t dst, uint8_t dst_port, uint8_t src_port, uint32_t opts, csp_packet_t *packet);
[docs]/** * Send a packet as a reply to a request (without a connection). * Calls csp_sendto() with the source address and port from the request. * * @param[in] request incoming request * @param[out] reply reply packet * @param[in] opts connection options, see @ref CSP_CONNECTION_OPTIONS. */ void csp_sendto_reply(const csp_packet_t * request, csp_packet_t * reply, uint32_t opts);
[docs]/** * Establish outgoing connection. * The call will return immediately, unless it is a RDP connection (#CSP_O_RDP) in which case it will wait until the other * end acknowleges the connection (timeout is determined by the current connection timeout set by csp_rdp_set_opt()). * * @param[in] prio priority, see #csp_prio_t * @param[in] dst Destination address * @param[in] dst_port Destination port * @param[in] timeout unused. * @param[in] opts connection options, see @ref CSP_CONNECTION_OPTIONS. * @return Established connection or NULL on failure (no free connections, timeout). */ csp_conn_t *csp_connect(uint8_t prio, uint16_t dst, uint8_t dst_port, uint32_t timeout, uint32_t opts);
[docs]/** * Close an open connection. * Any packets in the RX queue will be freed. * * @param[in] conn connection. Closing a NULL connection is acceptable. * @return #CSP_ERR_NONE on success, otherwise an error code. */ int csp_close(csp_conn_t *conn);
[docs]/** * Close a socket, freeing it's RX queue and unbinding it from the associated * port. * * @param[in] sock Socket * @return #CSP_ERR_NONE on success, otherwise an error code. */ int csp_socket_close(csp_socket_t* sock);
[docs]/** * Return destination port of connection. * * @param[in] conn connection * @return destination port of an incoming connection */ int csp_conn_dport(csp_conn_t *conn);
[docs]/** * Return source port of connection. * * @param[in] conn connection * @return source port of an incoming connection */ int csp_conn_sport(csp_conn_t *conn);
[docs]/** * Return destination address of connection. * * @param[in] conn connection * @return destination address of an incoming connection */ int csp_conn_dst(csp_conn_t *conn);
[docs]/** * Return source address of connection. * * @param[in] conn connection * @return source address of an incoming connection */ int csp_conn_src(csp_conn_t *conn);
[docs]/** * Return flags of connection. * * @param[in] conn connection * @return flags of an incoming connection, see @ref CSP_HEADER_FLAGS */ int csp_conn_flags(csp_conn_t *conn);
[docs]/** * Set socket to listen for incoming connections. * * @param[in] socket socket * @param[in] backlog max length of backlog queue. The backlog queue holds incoming connections, waiting to be returned by call to csp_accept(). * @return #CSP_ERR_NONE on success, otherwise an error code. */ int csp_listen(csp_socket_t *socket, size_t backlog);
[docs]/** * Bind port to socket. * * @param[in] socket socket to bind port to * @param[in] port port number to bind, use #CSP_ANY for all ports. Binding to a specific will take precedence over #CSP_ANY. * @return #CSP_ERR_NONE on success, otherwise an error code. */ int csp_bind(csp_socket_t *socket, uint8_t port);
[docs]/** * Bind port to callback function. * * @param[in] callback pointer to callback function * @param[in] port port number to bind, use #CSP_ANY for all ports. Binding to a specific will take precedence over #CSP_ANY. * @return #CSP_ERR_NONE on success, otherwise an error code. */ int csp_bind_callback(csp_callback_t callback, uint8_t port);
[docs]/** * Route packet from the incoming router queue and check RDP timeouts. * In order for incoming packets to routed and RDP timeouts to be checked, this function must be called reguarly. * @return #CSP_ERR_NONE on success, otherwise an error code. */ int csp_route_work(void);
[docs]/** * Set the bridge interfaces. * * @param[in] if_a CSP Interface `A` * @param[in] if_b CSP Interface `B` */ void csp_bridge_set_interfaces(csp_iface_t * if_a, csp_iface_t * if_b);
[docs]/** * Bridge packet from an interface to the other. */ void csp_bridge_work(void);
[docs]/** * Handle CSP service request. * If the given packet is a service-request (the destination port matches one of CSP service ports #csp_service_port_t), * the packet will be processed by the specific CSP service handler. * The packet will either process it or free it, so this function is typically called in the last "default" clause of * a switch/case statement in a CSP listener task. * In order to listen to csp service ports, bind your listener to the specific services ports #csp_service_port_t or * use #CSP_ANY to all ports. * * @param[in] packet first packet, obtained by using csp_read() */ void csp_service_handler(csp_packet_t *packet);
[docs]/** * Send a single ping/echo packet. * * @param[in] node address of subsystem. * @param[in] timeout timeout in ms to wait for reply. * @param[in] size payload size in bytes. * @param[in] opts connection options, see @ref CSP_CONNECTION_OPTIONS. * @return >=0 echo time in mS on success, otherwise -1 for error. */ int csp_ping(uint16_t node, uint32_t timeout, unsigned int size, uint8_t opts);
[docs]/** * Send a single ping/echo packet without waiting for reply. * Payload is 1 byte. * * @param[in] node address of subsystem. */ void csp_ping_noreply(uint16_t node);
[docs]/** * Request process list. * * .. note:: This is currently only supported on FreeRTOS systems. * * @param[in] node address of subsystem. * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for replies. The function will not return until the timeout occurrs. */ void csp_ps(uint16_t node, uint32_t timeout);
[docs]/** * Request free memory. * * @param[in] node address of subsystem. * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for reply. * @param[out] size free memory on subsystem. * @return #CSP_ERR_NONE on success, otherwise an error code. */ int csp_get_memfree(uint16_t node, uint32_t timeout, uint32_t * size);
[docs]/** * Request free memory and print to stdout. * * @param[in] node address of subsystem. * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for reply. */ void csp_memfree(uint16_t node, uint32_t timeout);
[docs]/** * Request free buffers. * * @param[in] node address of subsystem. * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for reply. * @param[out] size free buffers. * @return #CSP_ERR_NONE on success, otherwise an error code. */ int csp_get_buf_free(uint16_t node, uint32_t timeout, uint32_t * size);
[docs]/** * Request free buffers and print to stdout. * * @param[in] node address of subsystem. * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for reply. */ void csp_buf_free(uint16_t node, uint32_t timeout);
[docs]/** * Reboot subsystem. * If handled by the standard CSP service handler, the reboot handler set by csp_sys_set_reboot() on the subsystem, will be invoked. * * @param[in] node address of subsystem. * */ void csp_reboot(uint16_t node);
[docs]/** * Shutdown subsystem. * If handled by the standard CSP service handler, the shutdown handler set by csp_sys_set_shutdown() on the subsystem, will be invoked. * * @param[in] node address of subsystem. * */ void csp_shutdown(uint16_t node);
[docs]/** * Request uptime and print to stdout. * * @param[in] node address of subsystem. * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for reply. * */ void csp_uptime(uint16_t node, uint32_t timeout);
[docs]/** * Request uptime * * @param[in] node address of subsystem. * @param[in] timeout timeout in mS to wait for reply. * @param[out] uptime uptime in seconds. * @return #CSP_ERR_NONE on success, otherwise an error code. */ int csp_get_uptime(uint16_t node, uint32_t timeout, uint32_t * uptime);
[docs]/** * Set RDP options. * The RDP options are used from the connecting/client side. When a RDP connection * is established, the client tranmits the options to the server. * * @param[in] window_size window size * @param[in] conn_timeout_ms connection timeout in mS * @param[in] packet_timeout_ms packet timeout in mS. * @param[in] delayed_acks enable/disable delayed acknowledgements. * @param[in] ack_timeout acknowledgement timeout when delayed ACKs is enabled * @param[in] ack_delay_count send acknowledgement for every ack_delay_count packets. * */ void csp_rdp_set_opt(unsigned int window_size, unsigned int conn_timeout_ms, unsigned int packet_timeout_ms, unsigned int delayed_acks, unsigned int ack_timeout, unsigned int ack_delay_count);
[docs]/** * Get RDP options. @see csp_rdp_set_opt() * * @param[out] window_size Window size * @param[out] conn_timeout_ms connection timeout in ms * @param[out] packet_timeout_ms packet timeout in ms * @param[out] delayed_acks enable/disable delayed acknowledgements * @param[out] ack_timeout acknowledgement timeout when delayed ACKs is enabled * @param[out] ack_delay_count send acknowledgement for every ack_delay_count packets */ void csp_rdp_get_opt(unsigned int *window_size, unsigned int *conn_timeout_ms, unsigned int *packet_timeout_ms, unsigned int *delayed_acks, unsigned int *ack_timeout, unsigned int *ack_delay_count);
[docs]/** * Set platform specific memory copy function. */ void csp_cmp_set_memcpy(csp_memcpy_fnc_t fnc);
#if (CSP_ENABLE_CSP_PRINT) /** * Print connection table to stdout. */ void csp_conn_print_table(void); /** * Hex dump memory to stdout. * * @param[in] desc description printed on first line. * @param[in] addr memory address. * @param[in] len number of bytes to dump, starting from \a addr. * */ void csp_hex_dump(const char *desc, void *addr, int len); #else
[docs]inline void csp_conn_print_table(void) {}
[docs]inline void csp_hex_dump(const char *desc, void *addr, int len) {}
#endif #if (CSP_HAVE_STDIO) /** * Print connection table to string. */ int csp_conn_print_table_str(char * str_buf, int str_size); #else
[docs]inline int csp_conn_print_table_str(char * str_buf, int str_size) { if (str_buf != NULL && str_size > 0) { str_buf[0] = '\0'; } return CSP_ERR_NONE; }
#endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif