Source code for drivers/usart.h

 * **File:** csp/drivers/usart.h
 * **Description:** USART driver
 * .. note:: This interface implementation only support ONE open UART connection.

#pragma once

#include <csp/interfaces/csp_if_kiss.h>

#include <zephyr/device.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * OS file handle.
typedef const struct device * csp_usart_fd_t;
typedef int csp_usart_fd_t;
[docs]/** * Usart configuration. * @see csp_usart_open() */ typedef struct csp_usart_conf {
[docs] const char * device; /**< USART device.*/
[docs] uint32_t baudrate; /**< bits per second. */
[docs] uint8_t databits; /**< Number of data bits. */
[docs] uint8_t stopbits; /**< Number of stop bits. */
[docs] uint8_t paritysetting; /**< Parity setting. */
} csp_usart_conf_t;
/** * Callback for returning data to application. * * @param[in] user_data User data * @param[in] buf data received. * @param[in] len data length (number of bytes in \a buf). * @param[out] pxTaskWoken Valid reference if called from ISR, otherwise NULL! */ typedef void (*csp_usart_callback_t)(void * user_data, uint8_t * buf, size_t len, void * pxTaskWoken);
[docs]/** * Opens an UART device. * Opens the UART device and creates a thread for reading/returning data to the application. * * .. note:: On read failure, exit() will be called - terminating the process. * * @param[in] conf UART configuration. * @param[in] rx_callback receive data callback. * @param[in] user_data reference forwarded to the rx_callback function. * @param[out] fd the opened file descriptor. * @return #CSP_ERR_NONE on success, otherwise an error code. */ int csp_usart_open(const csp_usart_conf_t * conf, csp_usart_callback_t rx_callback, void * user_data, csp_usart_fd_t * fd);
[docs]/** * Write data on open UART. * * @param[in] data Outbound data to send over the USART interface. * @param[in] data_length Outbound data length. * @return number of bytes written on success, a negative value on failure. */ int csp_usart_write(csp_usart_fd_t fd, const void * data, size_t data_length);
[docs]/** * Lock the device, so only a single user can write to the serial port at a time * * @param[in] driver_data Driver data */ void csp_usart_lock(void * driver_data);
[docs]/** * Unlock the USART again * * @param[in] driver_data Driver data */ void csp_usart_unlock(void * driver_data);
[docs]/** * Opens UART device and add KISS interface. * * This is a convience function for opening an UART device and adding it as an interface with a given name. * * .. note:: On read failures, exit() will be called - terminating the process. * * @param[in] conf UART configuration. * @param[in] ifname internface name (will be copied), or use NULL for default name. * @param[in] addr CSP address of the interface. * @param[out] return_iface the added interface. * @return #CSP_ERR_NONE on success, otherwise an error code. */ int csp_usart_open_and_add_kiss_interface(const csp_usart_conf_t * conf, const char * ifname, uint16_t addr, csp_iface_t ** return_iface);
#ifdef __cplusplus } #endif