Source code for interfaces/csp_if_eth_pbuf.h

 * **File:** csp/interfaces/csp_if_eth_pbuf.h
 * **Description:** Packet buffer header
 * The first part is an identifier that must uniquely identify the CSP packet
 * to which the segment carried by the pbuf belongs. Each source node sends via
 * same ethernet tx function that must provide the packet identifier like a packet
 * counter that wraps around at 32768. With multiple nodes connected on ethernet
 * the packet identifiers on different nodes may collide, which is why the CSP
 * source address is included in the pbuf identifier. Multiple source addresses
 * causes no problems, as the packet_id dows not depend on the packet content.
 * A segment identifier is considered not required, as the stream of ethernet
 * frames follows a single path, and there are no retransmission, so it can be
 * assumed received in same order as sent. A lost frame causes a stalled pbuf
 * waiting fhr last bytes to arrive. This is discarded a period of
 * CSP_IF_ETH_PBUF_TIMEOUT_MS after latest data was received.
 * There is a minimum ethernet frame size, such that the received size is at
 * leas 60 bytes. The segment size field of the header provides the length of
 * the actual payload.
 * The size of a CSP packet can generally not be determined from a partial CSP
 * frame. The packet_length field providing the packet length is simplest solution.
#pragma once

#include <csp/csp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <csp/interfaces/csp_if_eth.h>

[docs]/** Packet list operations */ csp_packet_t * csp_if_eth_pbuf_find(csp_packet_t ** plist, uint32_t pbuf_id);
void csp_if_eth_pbuf_insert(csp_packet_t ** plist, csp_packet_t * packet);
csp_packet_t * csp_if_eth_pbuf_get(csp_packet_t ** plist, uint32_t pbuf_id, int * task_woken);
void csp_if_eth_pbuf_remove(csp_packet_t ** plist, csp_packet_t * packet);
void csp_if_eth_pbuf_list_cleanup(csp_packet_t ** plist);
void csp_if_eth_pbuf_print(const char * descr, csp_packet_t * packet);
void csp_if_eth_pbuf_list_print(csp_packet_t ** plist);